pvpgn versioncheck 修改方法 – 青春部落,流年似水 http://www.youthtribe.com 青春是一场远行,总记不起来时的路。 Tue, 12 Oct 2010 13:15:34 +0000 zh-CN hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.7 pvpgn versioncheck 修改方法 – 青春部落,流年似水 http://www.youthtribe.com/archives/97 http://www.youthtribe.com/archives/97#respond Tue, 12 Oct 2010 13:14:25 +0000 http://www.youthtribe.com/?p=97 1.
打开conf 文件夹里面的 bnetd.conf 按照下面的修改

# If you disable this you must have one or more of the MPQ files. Otherwise
# clients will hang when they first connect because they are attempting to
# download them. The versioncheck can only be skipped for clients older
# than 109. Starting with version 109 the clients will always do version
# checking since they do not function properly if the server does not
# request it.
skip_versioncheck = false

# If you enable the version checks but want to allow clients that don’t pass
# the checksum test then enable this.
allow_bad_version = false

# If you enable the version checks but want to allow clients that aren’t
# listed in the versioncheck configuration file then enable this. Unless
# you have a very complete file or are very paranoid about cheaters this
# is a good idea.
allow_unknown_version = false

改完这3个 登录时 就会验证 魔兽 的版本,

找到”loglevels =”这里,改成 loglevels = fatal,error,warn,info,debug,trace

# Multiple log levels can be defined by connecting them with a comma (,)
# Available loglevels are:
# none
# trace
# debug
# info
# warn
# error
# fatal
#loglevels = fatal,error,warn,info,debug,trace
loglevels = fatal,error,warn,info,debug,trace

改完这一个,就会纪录所有的信息,包括 错误,警告,信息,等

先删除以前的日志,即 var文件夹里面的bnetd.log

保存运行pvpgn.exe,然后用1.21版的魔兽登录 战网,会提示 不能验证游戏版本,然后退出魔兽

打开 versioncheck.conf

看到 现在 支持 1.20e 的版本信息

# Warcraft III – TFT (Expansion) 1.20e
# Note: this version check is sent in both FT and ROC mode
“A=3845581634 B=880823580 C=1363937103 4 A=A-S B=B-C C=C-A A=A-B” \
IX86ver1.mpq \
IX86 \
W3XP \
“war3.exe 06/13/06 06:13:05 1572307” \
0x00000014 \ \
0x8771b225 \

# Warcraft III – ROC 1.20e
# Note: this version check is sent in both FT and ROC mode
“A=3845581634 B=880823580 C=1363937103 4 A=A-S B=B-C C=C-A A=A-B” \
IX86ver1.mpq \
IX86 \
WAR3 \
“war3.exe 06/13/06 06:13:05 1572307” \
0x00000014 \ \
0x8771b225 \


第二行,查找bnetd.log文件,搜索selected “IX86ver1.mpq”,这行后面会有一段类似”A=3845581634 B=880823580 C=1363937103 4 A=A-S B=B-C C=C-A A=A-B”

第三行,X86系统都用的是 IX86ver1.mpq,一般直接复制过来就可以。如果你用的是mac那就自己相应的改一下。





第八行,版本数字代码, 在bnetd.log里面搜索”verstr=” 冰封王座1.20e 就是 ,1.21a 就是


第10行,游戏类型_版本号,比如说冰封王座就是 W3XP,1.20e版就是1.20e,那就写 W3XP_120e

打开var文件夹里面的bnetd.log 来到文件尾部

Feb 24 19:51:18 [info ] sd_accept: [260] accepted connection from on
Feb 24 19:51:18 [info ] conn_create: [260][228] sessionkey=0x45e03ebf sessionnum=0x00000000
Feb 24 19:51:18 [debug] sd_accept: [260] client connected to a bnet listening address
Feb 24 19:51:18 [info ] handle_init_packet: [260] client initiated bnet connection
Feb 24 19:51:18 [trace] conn_shutdown: [260] connection allready closed
Feb 24 19:51:18 [debug] conn_set_class: added latency check timer
Feb 24 19:51:18 [debug] handle_udp_packet: [228] got UDPTEST packet from (myself?)
Feb 24 19:51:18 [debug] handle_udp_packet: [228] got UDPTEST packet from (myself?)
Feb 24 19:51:18 [debug] _client_countryinfo109: [260] COUNTRYINFO_109 packet tzbias=0xfffffe20(-480) lcid=2052 langid=2052 arch=”IX86″ client=”W3XP” versionid=0x00000015 gamelang=”zhCN”
Feb 24 19:51:18 [debug] _client_countryinfo109: [260] COUNTRYINFO_109 packet from “People’s Republic of China” “CHN”
Feb 24 19:51:18 [info ] conn_set_archtag: [260] setting client arch to “IX86”
Feb 24 19:51:18 [info ] conn_set_clienttag: [260] setting client type to “W3XP”
Feb 24 19:51:18 [info ] conn_set_gamelang: [260] setting client gamelang to “zhCN”
Feb 24 19:51:18 [debug] _client_countryinfo109: [260] selecting version check
Feb 24 19:51:18 [debug] versioncheck_create: version check entry archtag=IX86, clienttag=W3XP
Feb 24 19:51:18 [debug] _client_countryinfo109: [260] selected “IX86ver1.mpq” “A=3845581634 B=880823580 C=1363937103 4 A=A-S B=B-C C=C-A A=A-B”
Feb 24 19:51:18 [info ] _client_authreq109: [260] CLIENT_AUTHREQ_109 ticks=0x0130ec6c, verstr= exeinfo=”war3.exe 12/28/06 20:35:21 1572307″ versionid=0x00000015 gameversion=0x01150077 checksum=0xab35b5f1
Feb 24 19:51:18 [info ] versioncheck_validate: no match in list, setting to: W3XP
Feb 24 19:51:18 [info ] _client_authreq109: [260] unable to test client (closing connection)
Feb 24 19:51:19 [info ] _client_authreq109: [260] client matches versiontag “W3XP”
Feb 24 19:51:19 [debug] sd_tcpinput: [260] read FAILED (closing connection)
Feb 24 19:51:19 [info ] conn_destroy: [260] closed bnet connection
Feb 24 19:54:33 [debug] guiOnClose: GUI wants server dead…

按照这个上面的步骤修改完毕,删除老的版本信息,就是 让战网不支持1.20甚至更低的版本

但是 硬盘版魔兽 用 剑心的1.21a傻瓜补丁升级的,不能登录


因为 剑心 的 1.21a 傻瓜补丁 问题很大,所以 我又用 剑心的补丁升级,重复上面的步骤,


# Warcraft III – TFT (Expansion) 1.21a
# Note: this version check is sent in both FT and ROC mode
“A=3845581634 B=880823580 C=1363937103 4 A=A-S B=B-C C=C-A A=A-B” \
IX86ver1.mpq \
IX86 \
W3XP \
“War3.exe 01/05/06 02:50:54 1572307” \
0x00000015 \ \
0x9130f661 \

从这里知道 为啥剑心的 登录不了,剑心的1.21 升级完毕 显示

正版 和 剑心 的版本信息都复制到 versioncheck.conf

得到下面的 信息,就OK 了, 删除 魔兽目录里面的 缓存 bncache.dat

##### Intel (IX86) ###########################################################

# -=-=-=-=-=-=- Latest Versions -=-=-=-=-=-=- No Update Required -=-=-=-=-=-=-

# Warcraft III – TFT (Expansion) 1.21a
# Note: this version check is sent in both FT and ROC mode
“A=3845581634 B=880823580 C=1363937103 4 A=A-S B=B-C C=C-A A=A-B” \
IX86ver1.mpq \
IX86 \
W3XP \
“War3.exe 12/28/06 20:35:21 1572307” \
0x00000015 \ \
0xab35b5f1 \

# Warcraft III – TFT (Expansion) 1.21a
# Note: this version check is sent in both FT and ROC mode
“A=3845581634 B=880823580 C=1363937103 4 A=A-S B=B-C C=C-A A=A-B” \
IX86ver1.mpq \
IX86 \
W3XP \
“War3.exe 01/05/06 02:50:54 1572307” \
0x00000015 \ \
0x9130f661 \

# Diablo II – LoD (Expansion) 1.11b
“A=3845581634 B=880823580 C=1363937103 4 A=A-S B=B-C C=C-A A=A-B” \
IX86ver1.mpq \
IX86 \
D2XP \
“Game.exe 08/17/05 01:12:38 2129920” \
0x0000000b \ \
0xbfc36199 \

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